Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Flipping the Classroom - Now More than Ever?

Now more than ever before, the Flipped Classroom is becoming an integral part of the new normal in Distance Learning.

Originally coined in 2006 by two Colorado High School Science teachers--Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams--(& later made more popular with Khan Academy), the idea was to pre-record lectures for student viewing so the in-person learning could be deeper.  And so the movement produced tools and resources that grew into a worldwide blended learning environment in the classroom.

We saw those resources and ideology put to the hard test this year when teachers all over the world were thrust into using them.  Technology companies responded by fine tuning their products as teachers gave in-the-field feedback.  

And as teachers always do, they responded with fixes, work-arounds, and ways to use products that companies never thought of for their products.  

The model we are using in our school is that a video lesson is posted on Google Classroom for students to view. The following day, teacher and students meet live on Zoom or Google Meet to review the material and Q&A.  This model is done 3-5 times per week for major subjects. 

Recording is done either by a screencast (with voice-over) or with the teacher filming the lesson where it is demonstrated on a white board or with manipulatives.  I have found the comfort level of the teacher determines which way they prefer to Flip the lesson. 

Today there are so many tools available to accommodate the different technology skill levels of educators.  I try to work with my teachers according to what they are comfortable with using.  Hopefully, we build on it until they can try new things or dive deeper into a tool.

And don't forget Classroom Expectations -- just as it's done in the brick and mortar building -- there is a set of rules for attendance that may include using correct name, muting on entry, no inappropriate virtual backgrounds. 

What tools are you using or looking to learn more about as we finish the school year or start the next one?  Check out these resources for ways to “Flip” your classroom… Screencastify, Zoom, G-Meet

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