Saturday, October 22, 2011

SYMBALOO - a great visual website bookmarking & sharing site

I love sharing websites finds with my colleagues! Most of the online resources that I have used for sharing or bookmarking my favorite websites have been linear tools that I can put into a category--not always user friendly for the people I share with regularly. Recently at a workshop (NJAET) I was introduced to a visual bookmarking and sharing site called Symbaloo. It is wonderful - as I am a visual person - I can organize my sites by color tiles all at a glance.
The best part is that I can also share my "webmixes" with others through a simple link. I even used a "webmix" for a recent Professional Development workshop on literacy and technology. (Click here to check it out: Casey PD)
My tiles are tabbed and include educational technology websites, classroom links, and professional resources. And again, they're all in one place -- easily editable and organizable! You can also access from any computer -- simply log in on any device with internet access.

Like any of the new Web 2.0 tools, there seems to be several levels that offer different accessibility. The SymbalooEdu site has a free version, as well as various subscription options -- obviously with added features as the price goes up.  So far I have been fine with the free version. 

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